About Us

Embarking on a journey of creativity and healing, Tiki Wreath Boutique was born January 2024, from the embers of personal loss and transformation. In the aftermath of saying farewell to cherished family members within a year, I found solace in the art of crafting. My front porch became a canvas, my wreaths a signature of resilience and hope. Passersby would pause, their curiosity piqued, wondering who could infuse such life into these creations. "It's me," I'd say, with a hint of pride and a touch of healing in every twist and turn of the decor.

Realizing the impact of my art, the smiles it sparked, and the conversations it stirred, I was inspired to share this piece of my heart with the world. Thus, Tiki Wreath Boutique came to life – a sanctuary where each design is not just an ornament, but a story of love, perseverance, and the beauty that grows from grief. Here, every wreath is a testament to the enduring human spirit, inviting you to adorn your space with more than just a decoration, but a piece of soulful artistry.